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Aerial Analytics is leveraging previous industry experience and leading edge UAS technologies (hardware & software) to operate as a UAS consulting and service delivery company for purposes of assessing property, plant and equipment to enhance transactional cycle times, reduce costs and transactional risk prior to or during due diligence activities of asset-based financial transactions.

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Financial Lending Institutions, Asset Insurers, Private Equity Groups, Buy-Side / Sell-Side Advisory Teams, Corporations / Operating Businesses, State Economic Development Agencies, Commercial Developers and any stakeholders involved in the transfer of assets can benefit from the comprehensive asset data sets provided by the services of Aerial Analytics.


Baseline "As-Built" Mapping is a comprehensive, survey quality 3-D LiDAR / RGB point cloud of the entire asset complex.  The data set can be converted to CAD or other formats to confirm blueprint specifications, code compliance, asset lists and topography.  For organizations planning future expansion, the Baseline Map is an ideal tool for assessing planning options.

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Aerial Analytics utilizes visual, thermal, multi-spectral and optical gas UAS imaging platforms to evaluate assets for abnormalities and anomalies to highlight actual and potential non-conformance.  Our multi-spectral systems have proved valuable in the potential detection of historical environmental liabilities that can be further assessed by environmental engineers.


Once the transactional data package is collected, Aerial Analytics will process the data into deliverables that can be uploaded to Virtual Data Rooms for further analysis by specialist transaction team members.  Given that many transactional team members are now multi-continent, Aerial Analytics' transactional asset evaluation services have significant impact upon expediting the transactional process and identifying potential pitfalls before closing.

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